Posted by: zenmamajo | February 10, 2012

*Gasp!* I’m Versatile!

my new blogabud, carrie rubin, has graciously awarded me (cue drum roll, please!):

award. thank you, carrie! btw she was recently ‘freshly pressed’…which is not surprising coming from a woman whose posts includes titles like “101 things to do with a placenta“…check it out…really not as bad as it sounds – prrrrromise. *hahah*

The rules of the award are:

– Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post (done!)
– Share 7 things about yourself (hmmm…think-think-think…)
– Pass this award along to 15 others (uh – how about 11? *grin*)
– Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award (aaaand…this is where i get lazy…*hahah*)

7 things about me:
1. i have 10 fingers and 10 toes…(hey – this is a legitimate share! remember the six-fingered man in the princess bride? just saying…)
2. loves the sensory experience of walking on a wafer thin layer of frozen dew on a crisp morning.
3. loves dog-earring books (i know: shame! shame!)
4. am very tactile (would prefer traditional scrabble to virtual and a hard copy book to on line reading any day)
5. loves preparing my ice cream so that it has the perfect ratio of ice cream, nuts, and chocolate syrup down to the last bite.
6. is still grieving USA Network’s decision to end the Monk series (i don’t usually do re-runs but a monk-a-thon might be just what i need…)
7. would LOVE to be a contestant on WHEEEEEL! OF! FOOOORRRRTUUUUNE!

and for the 11 blogs i’ve frequented lately:
1. lesleycarter (this lady is probably the most adventurous blogger i know…33 countries in 30 years…her bucketlist accomplishments are amaaaazing)
2. beckiblake
3. musings of a bou (wife)
4. jogging jeans
5. famille d’arsenal (this lady is 40+ weeks prego and is (eagerly) waiting for the little one to arrive)
6. children’s books heal (provides reviews about children’s books including those about children with various disabilities)
7. post card fiction
8. loquacious family (this woman is 41 weeks prego with her baby!!!)
9. the domestic fringe
10. play 101
11. fearless expressioner

thanks again to carrie for the award!

happy reading and happy blogging!


  1. Great list! That’s one of the things I enjoy about these awards–learning things about the bloggers. And I’m so pleased you have all of your digits! And by the way, I used to love Monk. What a great actor Tony Shalhoub is!

  2. the lists are great. found out the other day that another blogger i follow interviewed barbara walters in the 70s! i just dont understand why there’s 30 seasons of amazing race/idol/survivor and only a handful of monk! yes – tony is a brilliant actor.

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